POC vs MVP: What’s The Difference? Which One To Choose in 2022
The world is going digital today. But developing digital products involves a lot of resources and you will never want them to be a failure. You must have heard about these prototyping concepts like POC( proof of concept) and MVP (minimum viable product) . But which of these suit your product is all that matters. This blog will bring you face to face with actual meaning and difference between POC and MVP.It will also give you a comparative study between the both. By the end you will have a clear cut clarity of what to choose and why to choose.But before knowing the difference between the both we should gain some clarity about what they actually are. So, let's go! POC (Proof of Concept): The concept and Uses You can define proof of concept as a technical feasibility testing of your idea. No one would like to drain their resources over a product which doesn’t fit into the real world, right ? Sometimes called proof of principle, it determines whether your idea is technical...